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교재Q&A 글쓰기 목록보기

test9 154번 (책 가지고 계신 분 봐주세요!!)
웃음이 | 2013.01.24 | 조회 793

154. What information is included on the card?


(A) The locations of where it is available for purchase

(B) The admission fees for museums

(C) A list of establishments offering discounts

(D) Details about tourist sites


답 : (D)


답이 (D) 가 되는 건 알겠어요..

그런데,, (C) 도 되지 않을까요?

그 근거는 2번째 문단 :

 Present this card at participating restaurannts and souvenir shops and get 10 percent off food and merchandise.



게시글/댓글 신고
