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교재Q&A 글쓰기 목록보기

sumin | 2012.02.14 | 조회 1629

1. The man at the bus stop started sweat as the sun's harsh rays beamed down on him.


이 문장을 고치는 문제가 있었습니다.


답지에는 The man at the bus stop started sweating as the sun's harsh rays beamed down on him. 이렇게 나왔는데요.


The man...started to sweat...

이렇게 고치면 안되나요?


2. In 1992, the prime minister of Singapore made to chew gum in a public place illegal.


답지에선 이 문장을 In 1992, the prime minister of Singapore made it illegal to chew gum in a public place. 라고 나왔는데,


In 1992... made chwing gum in a public place illegal. 이건 틀린건가요?


틀렸다면 이유도 함께 설명해주시면 감사하겠습니다.^^

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