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test02 #121&127
ㅠㅠ | 2013.01.08 | 조회 1005

test02 #121&127에 관한 질문인데요.


먼저, #121에서 문제가 The accounting department at Napier Manufacturing is responsible for reporting the company's revenues and expenses ____ in the financial statements.

(A)accurate (B)accurateness (C)accuracy (D)accurately

답이 왜 부사 (D)accurately가 정답인지 설명 부탁드립니다.


그리고, #127에서 문제가 Once Ms.Ang has gone through the landscaping plans, she will choose ___ proposed design to use.인데 왜 whose가 정답이죠? who나 whoever은 안되나요?ㅠㅠ



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