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수강신청을 찾고있나요? 과목 한 눈에 보기

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박신규의 토익으로 배우는 영어한마디!
박신규 | 2013.03.11 | 조회 9396

영어강사 박신규입니다.



오늘 날씨 좋습니다.  수업후에, I feel like


getting some fresh air.



영어회화와 토익을 강의 한지도 벌써 20년이 넘어갔습니다. 제 방에는 그동안 공부했던 토익책과 회화책이...

참 많이도 봤네요. 하지만 여전히 공부할게 많습니다. 자만하지 않겠습니다. 자만하는 순간 그 댓가가 어떤지를 저는 뼈져리게 알고 있기 때문입니다. Don't Settle, Keep Looking.


오늘은 토익 L/C Part 2에서 자주 등장하는 제안의 표현을 가지고 영어회화식으로 글을 써 봅니다.

토익에는 정말 좋은 표현들이 많습니다. 이런 표현이나 패턴들은 마구마구 암기해 두었다가 적절하게 사용하는게 정말 중요합니다.


토익에서 자주 출제되고 있는 유형이 바로 제안입니다.

예를 들어 같은 뜻을 가지고 있는 문장을 여러 각도로 만들어 보겠습니다.


1) How about joining us for dinner tonight?

2) Why don't you join us for dinner tonight?

3) What about joining us for dinner tonight?

4) Do you want to join us for dinner tonight?

5) Would you love to join us for dinner tonight?

6) Would you like to join us for dinner tonight?

7) Shall we have dinner together?

8) Let's have dinner together tonight.

9) What do you say to joining us for dinner tonight?

10) Do you feel like joining us for dinner tonight?

11) Would you care to join us for dinner tonight?

12) We want you to join us for dinner tonight.

13) We would like you to join us for dinner tonight.

14) Let's have dinner together. What do you say?

15) All you need to do is join us for dinner tonight.

16) I'd like to invite you to dinner tonight.

17) Are you free to join us for dinner tonight?

18) Do you have time to join us for dinner?

19) Please consider joining us for dinner tonight.

20) Have you thought about joining us for dinner tonight?

21) Will you have enough time to join us for dinner tonight?

22) If it is okay with you, I would like to invite you to dinner tonight.

24) Please join us for dinner tonight, okay?

25) Can you join us for dinner tonight?

26) I wonder if you'll be able to join us for dinner tonight.

27) May I invite you to dinner tonight?

28) Can I invite you to dinner tonight?

29) We're looking forward to having dinner with you tonight.

30) How about(What about, What do you say to) having dinner with us tonight?

31) You can join us for dinner tonight if you want.


구어체는 말하는 화자의 능력에 따라서 여러 형태로 문장을 바꾸어 말할 수가 있습니다.

너무 하나의 형태에 얽매이어 영어 회화를 생각할 필요는 없습니다.



Possible Answers



Dinner? Okay!

I'd love to

I'd like to

That sounds good.

That sounds great.

What a good idea!

What a wonderful idea!

What a great idea!

That sounds like a great idea(to me).

That sounds like a good idea(to me)

That sounds like a wonderful idea(to me)

Sure, I'd like to.

That's what I want.

That's what I need.

Okay, if you buy!

I'm your man(당신 뜻대로 하죠)

Yes, but dinner is on you.(저녁은 당신들이 계산해요)

You read my mind.

Okay, if you insist. (정 그러시다면)

Of course.

Why not?

Out of question.

Out of the question.

Actually, I have a previous engagement.

Actually, I have a prior engagement.

I'd like to, but I can't.

I'd love to, but I can't. I have a previous engagement.(선약)

I'm afraid I can't

No way.

Not in a million years.

Over my dead body(절대 안돼)

Perish the thought.(말도 안돼)

I'm afraid I can't. I already had dinner.

I've already had dinner.

Don't you know I'm on a diet?

Actually, I have to watch my weight(다이어트 하다)

Actually, I have to lose weight.

It's impossible for me to join you for dinner tonight.

I think it's a little bit difficult for me to join you for dinner tonight.

I have difficulty(trouble) joining you for dinner tonight.

Actually, I hate having dinner with you

I don't like to have dinner with you tonight.

I'm not in the mood to have dinner with you tonight.

Dinner together? No way!


같은 문장을 여러 각도로 생각해 보십시오. 우리말을 잘해야 영어도 잘 구사할 수가 있습니다.

영어회화를 문법적으로 완벽하게 말할 필요는 없습니다. 화자에 따라서 생략될 수도 있기 때문입니다. 긴 문장으로 대답할 수도 있지만, 때로는 아주 짧게 대답해도 Okay입니다.

결론: 우리말을 잘해야 영어 회화를 잘합니다. 실수를 자주 해봐야 말하는데 자신감이 생깁니다.


여러분도 답변을 만들어 보세요.


영어는 바로 등산과 같습니다. 시간이 되면 춘천에 있는 삼악산에 한번 올라가봐야겠습니다.

제가 좋아하는 산들 중에 하나입니다.



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