
영어자료실 영어학습에 유용한 자료들이 모여있는 영어보물창고입니다. 저작권에 위배되는 자료의 등록은 자제해주세요.


일상생활에 유용한 영어표현

표현 | 조회 4511 | 추천 10
  • 2010.10.18
  • 글꼴
  • 확대
  • 축소

1.유감표시 Oh, no.
                     = What a pity!
                     = I'm sorry to hear that.
                     = It's a pity. 
                     = What a shame! 
                     = That's too bad.
                     = That's terrible.
                     = Too bad.
                     = It is much to be regretted.
                     = Oh no, what bad luck!


2. 작별  I have to leave now. 
                = I must be going now.
                = I have to go now.
                = It's time to say good -bye. 
                = I am sorry,but I should go now. 
                = I must take leave of you now.
                = I must be off now.
                = I must say goodbye now.
                = I must be on my way now.
                = I'm afraid I should run along. 
                = I really should be on my way.


3. 도움 May I help you?
               = What can I do for you?
               = Are you being helped? 
               = Is there anything you want?
               = What can I do for you?
               = Is there anything I can do for you?


4. 시간 What time is it?
               = Do you have the time? 
               = Could you tell me the time? 
               = What time do you have?
               = May I ask you the time?
               = What o'clock is it?


5. 제안 Let's have lunch
               = Won't you have lunch with me?
               = How about having lunch with me?
               = What do you say to having lunch with me?
               = What do you think of having lunch with me?
               = Shall we have lunch?
               = Suppose we have lunch with me?


6. 무슨일 있었니? What's the trouble with you?
                               = What's up?
                               = What happened to you?
                               = What's wrong with you?
                               = What's the matter?
                               = Is there anything wrong with you? 
                               = Is anything the matter?
                               = What's the problem?


7. 부탁 May I ask you a favor?
               = May I ask a favor of you?
               = Will you do me a favor? 
               = Will you do a favor for me?
               = Could you help me?
               = Would you give me a hand?


8. 감사 Thank you very much.
               = Thanks a lot. 
               = Many thanks.
               = I'm very much thankful to you. 
               = I can't thank you enough.
               = I appreciate your kindness.
               = That's nice of you.
               = I'm much obliged to you.


9. 감사에 대한 응답 Don't mention it.
                                 = You're welcome.
                                 = Not at all.
                                 = Any time. 
                                 = The pleasure is mine.


10. 직업 What's your occupation?
                 = What do you do for a living? 
                 = What's your job?
                 = What kind of job do you have?


11. 오랫만에 만난 사람과 인사하기 Long time no see. 
                                                       = I haven't seen you for a long time.
                                                       = I haven't seen you for ages. 
                                                       = You're quite a stranger. 
                                                       = It's a long time since I saw you last.


12. 내 말 이해했나요? Do you follow me?
                                    = Are you with me? 
                                    = Have you got that?
                                    = Do you understand?
                                    = Do you get me?
                                    = Do you catch me?


13. 가격 How much does it cost? 
                 = How much is it?
                 = How much? 
                 = What is the price?
                 = How much do I owe you? 
                 = How much do they cost? 
                 = How much do you charge for them? 
                 = How much do I have to pay you?


14. 진정 Relax
                 = Calm down 

                 = Take it easy
                 = Calm down a minute!
                 = Don't be so exited
                 = Don't lose your cool!
                 = Pull yourself together!


15. 이발 What's the special hair style you like?
                  = What hair style do you have in mind? 
                  = How would you like to have your hair cut?
                  = Would you have your hair cut long or short?


16. 머리가 만족스러운지 묻는 말 How's that, sir?
                                                     = Does that look all right?
                                                     = How does that look, sir? I hope that's quite satisfiactory.


17. 안부 Remember me to your parents
                 = Give my regards to your parents.
                 = Please my best wishes to your parents
                 = Please send your parents my best wishes.
                 = Say hello to your parents.


18. 자동차 고장 My car is broken.
                           = My car won't start. 
                           = My car is gone for repair.
                           = My car is out of order.
                           = Something is wrong with my car.

19. 정말이니? Are you serious? 
                         = Really?
                         = Is it?
                         = Are you sure?
                         = Did I hear you right? You really mean it?


20. 빈 자리를 물어볼 때 Is this seat occupied?
                                      = Is this seat taken?
                                      = Is this seat being used?
                                      = Are you using this seat?


21. 상대방 말에 대한 동의 You said it.
                                          = That's true.
                                          = I couldn't agree more.
                                          = Exactly. 
                                          = That's a good point. 
                                          = That's exactly what I think.
                                          = You can say that again.
                                          = You took the words right out of my mouth.
                                          = You hit the nail right on the head.


22. 상대방 옷에 대한 칭찬 That's a nice coat.
                                           = That's nice coat you're wearing.
                                           = What a nice coat it is!
                                           = You look very nice coat it is!


23. 주문하기 May I take your order? 
                       = Are you ready to order?
                       = What would you like to have?
                       = What will you have today?


24.농담하기 You are kidding(me)!
                      = Are you pulling my leg?
                      = Come on!
                      = No kidding!


25.참견하기 It is no business of yours.
                      = It is none of your business. 
                      = It is no concern of yours.
                      = You have nothing to do with it. 
                      = Mind your own business. 
                      = It's not your affair.
                      = You don't have any say in the matter.


26.소개 Mr.Smith,this is Mr.Kim.
                = May I introduce Mr.Kim to you?
                = I'd like to introduce Mr.Kim 
                = I want you to meet Mr.Kim
                = Let me introduce Mr.Kim.


27.초행 I am sorry I am a stranger here myself.
                  = I'm sorry I'm new(fresh)here. 
                  = I"m sorry I've never been here before.
                  = I'm sorry this is my first time here. 
                  = I'm sorry I'm not familiar with this area.


28.메뉴 I'd like to see the menu,please.
               = May I have a menu,please? 
               = Will you show me the menu,please?


29.바쁜일정 I'm tied up.
                      = I'm completely busy. 
                      = I've got no free time at all.
                      = My schedule is totally filled.


30.하루일을 끝내는 말 Let's call it a day.
                                     = Let us leave off work.
                                     = It is time to wind up today's work. 
                                     =Shal we stop today's work?


31. 안부편지 Don't forget to drop me a line.
                       = Please remember to write to me.
                       = Send a letter to me without fail. 
                       = I'd like to hear from you soon.


32.하루일을 쉴 때 I have the day off from work today.
                              = I'm off duty.
                              = I stay away from work today.
                              =This is an off-day for me.


33.다시 물을때 I beg your pardon?
                         = Pardon (me) ?
                         = Excuse me?
                         = Will you say that again?
                         = Could you repeat the last part?


34.한국에 대한 인상 물어보기 How do you like Korea?
                                              = What is your impression of Korea?
                                              = How does Korea strike you?
                                              = How do you feel about Korea?


35.여가 How do you spend your leisure time? 
               = What do you do when you have(free)time?
               = What do you do in your spare time?
               = What do you do for enjoyment?


36.대접 Let me treat you.
               = Let me take care of the bill.
               = Let me settle the bill today.
               = Be my guest.


37.전화빌려쓰기 May I use your telephone?
                             = I wonder if I could use your telephone.
                             = If you don't mind, I'll use your telephone.
                             = Would you mind my using your telephone?


38.전화걸어 달라는 부탁 Please call me(up)this morning.
                                        = Please ring me up this morning.
                                        = Please give me a call this morning,
                                        = Pleases give me a ring this morning.
                                        = Please give me a ring this morning. 
                                        = Please phone me this morning.


39.전화 상에서 기다려 달라는 부탁 Just a moment,please.
                                                       = Hold the line,please.
                                                       = Hold on,please.
                                                       = Just a minute,please.
                                                       = Hang on,please.


40.화장실을 물어볼 때? Where can I wash my hands?
                                       = Where is the rest room?
                                       = Could you tell me where the washroom is?
                                       = Will you show me where the toilet is ?


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