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Such a day,today
I can do | 2003.12.03 | 조회 4889
Today was actually quiet busy day.

First...I had test in math, which was almost two pages long and tooked our class about whole class period to solve them.(Our whole period is 80 minutes)

And than, I had my advanced band where I played flute. We got new peice today. It was called \'The Class Bits and Peices\', which was quiet hard.(Not just quiet hard, super hard for me!)

Than...I had my language art and social studies,,,I spent whole social study period, searching for the information about Homind. I spent whole language art period, orginazing my notebook.

what a busy day! I never have time to rest in my school. No recess, well, at least we have lunch break, that cheers me up a littlebit.

Oh my gosh, I really want a rest!!!

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