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Avata movie
Shin | 2018.02.17 | 조회 2345

Avatar was directed by James Cameron who is well known as a world-famous director.It is a science fiction film and it is the first film to gross more than $2.5 billion and also, is considered to be the best selling film of 2010 in the USA.It was nominated for nine Acamedy Awards.

Iwould like to say that Avatar is one of the best movie I have ever seen, and it must have meen made using enormous imagination of director.This movie is based on the future of humanity trying to comunicate with some ailiens on the other planet.This movie shows spectacular bettle scene between human and aliens with 3D special effects.The plot of the story was so attractive and fantastic that I was on the edge of my seat.With beautiful nature in the movie and a touching story,every cinema audience,including young children, would pay attention to the movie.The sound track of the movie is also exciting and surpring.There are meaningful message in the movie that human has to live with nature.So I would like to strongly recommend Avatar movie to all ages.It will never be disappointing.

On the other hand it is required to wear 3D glasses during the movie besides,the ticket price of this movie is more expensive because of 3Deffects.

Please enjoy watching the movie.you will experience fantastic world you have never imagined.You will also realize how amazing and great 3D-special effect is.




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