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[Sponsored Report] Hite Jinro vows to help firefighters
Hite Jinro, the National Fire Agency and the Korea National Council on Social Welfare (Kncsw) signed an agreement on Aug. 7 to work together to improve the treatment of firefighters and enhance safety consciousness. A signing ceremony at the Sejong Fire Department was attended by Hite Jinro CEO Kim In-gyu, National Fire Agency Chief Cho Jong-mook, Kncsw Secretary General Seol Jung-gon, as well as other fire agency officials. Hite Jinro has recently been focusing its corporate outreach work on preventing and improving the handling of disasters. Through the new agreement, the distiller promises to replace and enhance old firefighting equipment and improve the welfare of firefighters. 

Hite Jinro also plans to work on improving safety facilities such as old fire stations and welfare facilities for female firefighters. The company will also pay for new fire extinguishers and sensors in areas that are at high risk of having fires, starting in South and North Jeolla. Hite Jinro will fund the education of the children of firefighters who die or are injured in the line of duty. The distiller will also offer counseling and a healing camp for firefighters struggling with post-traumatic stress disorder and their families. “With [nearly] 100 years of experience as a liquor company, we are planning to return our profits to society and share,” said a Hite Jinro spokesperson. “We will improve old firefighting facilities and the welfare of firefighters and run fire safety campaigns such as making way for fire trucks in cooperation with the National fire Agency.”
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2024-04-28 1489
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2024-04-26 4314
2024-04-25 4199
2024-04-24 4402
2024-04-23 4368
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2024-04-21 4316

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