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페이스북 보내기 트위터 보내기 친구들에게 공유하기

Which one is better: 90s music or today's music? Why do you say so?

I believe the current generation does not know the songs of Craig David, Lisa Loeb, and Alanis Morisette. There is also a big possibility that they would not recognize the titles, “No Scrubs” and “4 Seasons of Loneliness.” These are names of famous singers and songs of the 90s that prove that music of the 90s is better than the mainstream music of today. I strongly believe that 90s music is better than today’s music because of different reasons.

First of all, the 90s is the peak of contemporary RnB (rhythm and blues), a genre of music that is filled with profound lyrics and upbeat rhythms. It seems like a lot of thought was put into the creation of each 90s song, unlike many famous songs today that have senseless and repetitive lyrics. A good example is the difference between the old and new songs of Beyoncé. When she was still a part of the group Destiny’s Child, they released the songs, “Say My Name,” “Survivor,” and “Cater 2 U.” I find these songs inspiring, relevant, and cool. As a solo artist, Beyoncé recently released the songs “Drunk in Love” and “7/11.” I think both of these songs have incomprehensible lyrics and very generic beats.

Second, 90s musicians seem to be more skillful and passionate about their craft as opposed to the artists of today. Take Stevie Wonder as an example. He is an exemplary musician who, despite being visually challenged, was still able to create quality songs. He became famous because of his amazing talents, unlike many artists today who are products of reality TV shows who sing using auto-tune devices.

There are a lot more reasons that prove that music of the 90s is better than the music of today. I think I will have this stance even if I wasn’t a child who grew up with 90s music. I do not take the side of 90s music as a 90s fanatic or a music enthusiast. I prefer music of the 90s over the music of today because I am a person who enjoys intellectual products of the entertainment industry. The music of the 90s is meaningful, classy, and heartfelt—qualities that the music of today does not possess.

질문&어휘 문법TIPs 해석


1. What are some examples of famous 90s songs?

2. How are songs of the 90s different from those of today?

3. How are musicians of the 90s different from those of today?


contemporary 현대의/

profound 심오한/

incomprehensible 이해할 수 없는/

generic 포괄적인/

exemplary 모범적인/

heartfelt 진심 어린/

자료제공 EDU TIMES EBS english 컨텐츠 제공

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