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페이스북 보내기 트위터 보내기 친구들에게 공유하기

The Controversy Behind Artistic License

Even though the use of artistic license is common, it is heavily debated because of the degree to which facts are distorted and language rules and conventions are broken for the sake of art. Because of this, there are people who think that the use of artistic license must be limited. However, many people still remain supportive of the use of artistic license.

Supporters say that the use of artistic license is what makes the creation of art possible. It is an important aspect of one’s freedom to express which is a fundamental human right. It also allows artists to fully maximize their creativity and translate it into their works of art. A good example of an artist who made good use of artistic license, or poetic license in poetry, is Shakespeare whose literary works are lauded as classics.

Also, art consumption entails an understanding between a creator and a consumer or an audience that the creation of art always involves, to a certain degree, the use of distortion. As such, the duty to differentiate fact from fiction lies with audiences. Consumers should always bear in mind that art is a form of expression that is not always intended to tell the truth or depict reality.

Finally, even though artistic license is used in many historical TV dramas and films, these art forms still do not fail to portray the broader and deeper truths about historical events. Most of the time, artistic license is not used to misinform audiences but to simply spice up storylines.

Those who oppose the use of artistic license, on the other hand, say that the use of artistic license often encourages artists to disregard historical accuracy in favor of artistry and, more importantly, commercial viability. Artistic license can be used irresponsibly and result in distorted depictions which the public may unknowingly take as true-to-life events.

Second, because dramatic license involves distortion of facts, it contributes in the glamorization, trivialization, and sensationalism of certain topics or issues portrayed in film or television. For instance, infidelity and adultery are often glamorized in many films and TV dramas that their consequences are often left out.

Third, the use of poetic license in poetry and song lyrics encourages bad grammar. It is necessary to adhere to the rules of a language regardless if that language is used for writing poetry or prose. Since poetry makes use of language, grammar rules must be observed, and artistic license must not be used.

질문&어휘 문법TIPs 해석

1. With the use of artistic license, artists disregard historical accuracy in favor of artistry and commercial viability.

2. Artistic license contributes in the glamorization, trivialization, and sensationalism of certain topics or issues portrayed in film or television.

3. The use of poetic license in poetry and song lyrics encourages bad grammar.


distort 왜곡하다

convention 관습

fundamental 근본적인

laud 찬양하다

misinform 잘못된 정보를 주다

spice up 돋우다

viability 생존력

trivialization 평범화

glamorize 미화하다

prose 산문

자료제공 EDU TIMES EBS english 컨텐츠 제공

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