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기초영어 무료학습 콘텐츠

왕초보 알파벳 강의 글쓰기 목록보기

영어 질문
바둑왕 | 2020.11.30 | 조회 9593

1. The city council released a list of local businesses ------- considers to be the most beneficial to the community. (A) its own (B) itself (C) its (D) it

2. Staff members who did not ------- the trade show last weekend may view Ms. Riker's speech on the company Web site. (A) realize (B) identify (C) notify (D) attend

3. The ceremony's musical ------- was sponsored in part by the Groening Corporation, (A) presents (B) presentation (C) presented (D) presenting

4. All ------- candidates for the IT manager position must provide valid certifications and complete an aptitude test. (A) valuable (B) modified (C) qualified (D) rising

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