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Beyonce Receives Time’s 100 Honor

Every year, Time magazine, one of America’s most influential magazines, publishes “The 100 most influential people” issue. Time chooses 100 people, from celebrities to politicians to athletes to activists, from all over the world and especially the ones who have changed the world the past year. This year Beyonce has the honor of being featured on the cover page of Time’s “100 most influential people” issue.

Explaining why Beyonce deserved the title, Sheryl Sandberg, the Chief Operating Officer (COO) of Facebook, wrote that Beyonce doesn’t just sit at the table but builds a better one. Sandberg also added that she has been raising her voice with regards to girls’ empowerment both on and offstage. Beyonce also urges women to be independent and take the lead. Sandberg didn’t forget to mention that Beyonce is “The Boss.”

Beyonce and Sandberg recently teamed up to campaign for the ban of the use of the word, “bossy” which has been used to negatively describe assertive women in work places.

In order to celebrate this accolade, Beyonce released her music video, “Pretty Hurts” which had only been exclusively available on iTunes, to Time’s official website on the same day the issue was released. Beyonce isn’t afraid to tackle the distorted definition of beauty that society holds. She shows the lengths that women go to feel pretty in her “Pretty Hurts” music video. She has also launched a website, whatispretty.com and asked visitors to post a picture of what they consider pretty with the hash tag “WhatIsPretty.”

December of last year, Beyonce basically dropped her fifth self-titled album, “Beyonce” exclusively on iTunes out of nowhere, even without the help of her social media accounts. This unprecedented event surprised everyone. She refers to this album as the “Visual Album” because together with the 14 songs, she released music videos as well as 3 additional videos.

It looks like Queen B is ready to go on a summer tour with the successful hip-hop artist, her husband, Jay Z. The tour will take place in 16 cities throughout North America starting in Miami on June 25.

질문&어휘 문법TIPs 해석

1. Who are chosen for the Time 100?


2. Why did Beyonce deserve to be featured in the Time 100 issue?


3. How did Beyonce promote her album “Beyonce”?


influential 영향력 있는

celebrity 유명인사

politician 정치인

athlete 운동선수

empowerment 권한

take the lead 주도권을 잡다

bossy 우두머리 행세를 하는

accolade 칭찬

exclusively 단독적으로

tackle 솔직하게 말하다

lengths 고생하는 노력

hash tag #모양

unprecedented 전례 없는

자료제공 EDU TIMES EBS english 컨텐츠 제공

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