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Dual Citizenship and Nationalism

Dual citizenship can be acquired through the right of soil, the right of blood, and by marriage. Many see these methods as inevitable circumstances, so they are considered acceptable. However, the voluntary efforts of getting dual citizenship are those that take much heat from the public. Some people claim that these efforts are a clear manifestation of a person’s lack of nationalism.

The international application for a dual citizenship is considered by some as a way of turning one’s back on his or her real nationality just to get the benefits and privileges from more countries. These people are considered greedy and materialistic because they are willing to put aside their love for their homeland for personal gains.

Supporters of this claim say that it is illogical for people to assert that they are citizens of more than one country because each person is born in only one country. He or she may eventually move to other places later on in life, and by then, this person can get a new citizenship status that will replace the first one.

Supporters add that applying for dual citizenship does not only show that a person lacks loyalty to his or her native land, but it also shows that one does not give importance to the idea that he or she belongs to a certain nationality.

On the other hand, opponents of the claim say that citizenship and nationalism are two different things. Applying for dual citizenship does not imply that one doesn’t love his or her homeland. It follows the logic of a woman getting a new family after marriage. It doesn’t mean she’s turning her back on her original family. Therefore, applying for dual citizenship means one will just have more countries to hold dear to his or her heart.

Opponents add that applying for dual citizenship often comes with a purpose, and rarely is it triggered by one’s desire to turn away from his or her original citizenship. Some people apply for it for business and employment purposes while others need it because they have migrated to another place. It would be selfish for countries to deny these people especially when they only seek better opportunities in life.

Opponents even say that those who apply for dual citizenship should be admired because despite having the opportunity of becoming a citizen of another country, they still choose to keep their original citizenship instead of totally renouncing it. This for them is a true sign of nationalism.

질문&어휘 문법TIPs 해석

The intentional application for dual citizenship is seen by some people as a manifestation of a person’s lack of nationalism. They say that people do it for personal gains even if it means that it is a form of disloyalty to one’s native land. Do you agree that the intentional application for dual citizenship is a manifestation of lack of nationalism?

1. It shows that people are willing to set aside their love for their country just for personal gains.
2. People cannot just claim that they belong to two or more countries.
3. It shows one's lack of loyalty to his or her native land.

1. Nationality and citizenship are two different things.
2. It is selfish for countries to deny its people better opportunities in other countries.
3. Choosing to keep one’s original citizenship despite getting a new one is a true sign of nationalism.


dual 이중의

circumstance 정황, 환경

voluntary 자발적인

manifestation 나타남

materialistic 물질주의적인

homeland 고국

migrate 이주하다

renounce 포기하다

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