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Mankind's Love for Dolphins

Dolphins have become the center of most marine animal shows because of their intelligence. They are usually kept in aquariums, oceanariums, dolphinariums, zoos, and theme parks. Aside from entertainment purposes, dolphins are also kept in captivity for scientific research.

These days, efforts to protect dolphins are being made in many countries including Korea. For several reasons, many animal rights activists fight for the immediate ban on the capture of dolphins for entertainment and scientific research purposes.

According to a research, a specific type of dolphin called the orca has a much lower survival rate when in captivity. Additionally, in Jamaica, bottlenose dolphin populations held in captivity experience high mortality rates. These findings prove that dolphinariums are unnatural and dangerous habitats for dolphins.

Moreover, many animal welfare activists say it is a form of animal abuse to keep dolphins in captivity. Pools, irrespective of size, do not provide enough space for dolphins to move. Confined spaces limit freedom of movement and provide insufficient stimulation. Lack of stimulation often leads to aggressive dolphin behavior that can sometimes injure or kill them.

Lastly, animal rights activists say other countries should be inspired by India’s political will to ban dolphinariums and other commercial entertainment that involves the capture and confinement of orcas, bottlenose dolphins, and other types of cetacean species. The ban is due to the recognition of the Indian government that dolphins are “non-human persons” which are entitled to their own liberty and sets of rights.

People who fight the ban insist that releasing dolphins to live in the open sea may do them more harm than good. These dolphins may have a hard time adapting to a new and harsher environment. However, dolphinariums ensure that dolphins are cared for and fed well. Dolphins are also kept safe to ensure their reproduction, so they don’t get extinct.

Moreover, dolphin shows establish a bond between humans and dolphins. People who watch dolphin shows get to witness the intelligence of dolphins. Understanding dolphins makes people more likely to defend them. Also, dolphinariums have also allowed scientists to study, understand, and learn more about dolphins and how to protect them.

Lastly, aquariums, oceanariums, dolphinariums, zoos, and theme parks have been around for quite some time. They have made significant contributions to many local economies. Many people’s livelihood will be affected if these establishments are shut down.

질문&어휘 문법TIPs 해석

Summary: Although many countries have already banned the capture of dolphins for entertainment and research purposes, dolphins are still used in some countries. For several reasons, many animal rights activists fight for the immediate ban of the capture of dolphins for entertainment and research purposes. Do you support the proposed ban? 

1. Some types of dolphins like the orca and bottlenose dolphins have lower survival rate when held in captivity. 
2. It is a form of animal abuse to keep dolphins in captivity. 
3. Dolphins are non-human persons which are entitled to their own liberty and sets of rights. 

1. Releasing dolphins to live in the open sea may do them more harm than good. 
2. Dolphin shows establish a bond between humans and dolphins. 
3. Many people’s livelihood will be affected if these establishments are shut down.


captivity 감금, 억류

aggressive 공격적인 

dolphinarium 돌고래 쇼가 펼쳐지는 돌고래 수족관 

reproduction 번식

oceanarium 해양 수족관 

livelihood 생계

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