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수강신청을 찾고있나요? 과목 한 눈에 보기

스피킹&오픽 첨삭게시판 글쓰기 목록보기

첨삭 부탁드립니다!
열공화이팅 | 2018.07.17 | 조회 518
 사는 곳 방 묘사 첨삭 부탁드립니다! 

As I mentioned before,(자기소개 때 사는 곳을 대충 언급해버려서 ㅠㅠ) I’m living alone in
my house which just has one small room. My room is a safe haven where I snuggle
under thick comforters, and read by candlelight. 

It’s a comfortable place,
where I like to spend my time relaxing.

Very few of the world’s distractions
are allowed beyond the door.


Amazingly, the curtains, pillowcases,
blanket, wall and the carpet are having all shades of blue color. 

Many people
think that this color sounds gloomy or sad. But as for me, this stands for
radiance and brilliance.


And it’s fairly lightly furnished. There’s
a bed and a wardrobe as you would expect. I spend quite a lot of time doing my
assignments in my bed, but I also use my bed as a kind of couch or settee when I
just want to read.


And there’s also a smallish desk in the
corner where I put such objects like books, mirrors and so on.

첨삭 부탁드려요! 
그리고 IH가 목표인데 ㅠㅠ 이정도면 가능할지 .. 

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