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스피킹&오픽 첨삭게시판 글쓰기 목록보기

[오픽 첨삭]해변가기 첨삭 부탁드려요
삼계탕 | 2018.07.19 | 조회 731

I like Haeundae Beach the most which is a famous beach on the south coast of Korea.

I usually go to the beach with my friends every summer.

The reason why I like it is that it has clear blue water and send and there are delicious seafood restaurants nearby.

Also, sometimes there are concerts in the evenings. What's more, the people are nice to tourists.

I especially love the atmosphere of the beach with its breathtaking scenery.

It's important for me, because I enjoy taking a lot of pictures with the scenery.

When I go to the beach, I take many things such as a bottle of sunblock, a first aid kit and extra clothing with me.

At the beach, I usually rent a a prasol and a chair first and then sunbathe on the send and swim in the sea.

Swimming in the sea helps me realive my stress and stay fit. 

After swimming, having some seafood in a restaurant nerby with my friends allows me to escape from my stress for a while.

I think It is the best way to beat the haat. I strongly recommend Haeundae Bech. You will like it.

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