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스피킹&오픽 첨삭게시판 글쓰기 목록보기

최근 내 방의 변화 첨삭 부탁드려용
simpleisbest | 2018.09.04 | 조회 945

I don’t have a bed
in my room because I haven’t used one since I was little.

Recently, I
moved from Seoul to Bundang in Gyeonggido and the bedroom is much bigger here
so I hung the Van Gogh painting in this room. I’m very happy with these

As I previously mentioned, there is a lot
of other furniture that I like but I think that the bamboo decoration is the
most eye-catching because you can see it right when you enter the living room.

I’m very happy with these changes.

개인적으로 첫 문장앞에 "최근에 내 방에는 몇 가지 변화가 있어~ "  아니면 "내 방은 몇가지 특징을 가지고 있어"

이 두 문장을 말하고 싶은데 뭐라고 말해야 될 지 모르겠네여..ㅠㅠ

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