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스피킹&오픽 첨삭게시판 글쓰기 목록보기

5가지 항목 첨삭 부탁 드립니당
근이이잉1 | 2018.11.05 | 조회 738

7. 해변, 캠핑가기

1) 좋아하는 해변
I really enjoy going to Daecheon Beach.
It’s a famous beach on the west coast of Korea.
2) 해변에 가는 빈도
I go to the beach every summer.
3) 그 해변을 좋아하는 이유
It’s my favorite beach because it has clear blue water and beautiful white sand.
Also, sometimes there are concerts in the evenings.
I always have a lot of fun whenever I go there.
4) 해변에 갈때 가지고 가는 것
I take a camera when I go to the beach.
5) 캠핑 여행 중에 하는 일
I usually take a lot of photos of my friends.
In the evening, we tell stories to each other.
6) 느낀점
I’ll never forget that trip because it was so lovely there.

8. 쇼핑하기

1) 자주가는 상점과 이유
The place I like to shop is an outlet mall near Sejong station.
I often go shopping at the store on the weekend.
I like going there with my friends.
We get a chance to hang out, shop and eat together.
2) 쇼핑중에 생긴 문제
The most memorable shopping experience was when I lost my wallet at the department store.
After paying, I walked away without picking it up.
3) 문제 해결책
To solve the problem, I called the store manager.
The store manager told me that he had my wallet.
4) 그 경험에 대한 나의 느낌
This experience made me feel lucky.

9. 음악 감상하기

1) 가장 좋아하는 음악 장르
I like R&B music the best.
2) 그 음악 장르에 관심을 갖게 된 계기
I first became interested in this type of music when my friend gave me a CD as a gift.
My favorite singer is Michael Jackson.
3) 그 음악가를 좋아하는 이유
I like that musicion because He sing with so much emotion.
He has a beautiful voice. He even writes her own songs.
I think Michael Jackson is a very talented artist.
4) 음악을 듣는 시간 / 장소
I usually listen to music on the bus. I take the bus to get to work every morning.
5) 음악 강상 기기
I play music on my smart phone. This is very convenient.
6) 가장 좋아하는 노래
My favorite song is You are not alone by Michael Jackson.
It’s my favorite because is very touching.
7) 이 노래가 의미있는 이유
This song helped me get through a difficult time.

10. 조깅하기, 걷기

1) 조깅을 하는 빈도
I go jogging on weekends because I am too busy to jog during the week.
2) 조깅하기 좋아하는 시간, 장소
I prefer to go jogging during the day.
3) 함께 조깅하는 사람
I jog with my friend.
We go to the park near our apartment.
We usually jog in this park because it has many trails.
4) 필요한 준비와 주의할 점
When I go for a jog, I always wear a pair of running shoes.
You should also take occasional breaks.
This will prevent you from becoming worn out.
5) 걷기에 관심을 갖게 된 계기
I first became interested in walking when I decided to lose some weight.
I needed to exercise more often.
I lik walking because it’s a good way to stay in shape.
6) 걷기 중에 있었던 기억에 남는 경험
The most memorable experience was when I hurt my knee.
It was a very painful experience.

11. 국내, 해외 여행

1) 여행하기 좋아하는 장소
I enjoy traveling to Jeju island.
2) 그 장소를 좋아하는 이유
I like going there because it is warm and the scenery is beautiful.
Also, the local food is very delicious.
3) 함께 갔던 사람
I went there with my friend last summer and we had a great time.
4) 여행할 때 가져가는 물건
I make sure to bring my camera. I usually put it in my bag.
I also bring some maps of the place I went to visit.
Lastly, before I leave. I charge my cell phone.
5) 처음 해외 여행을 했던 시기
The first time I traveled abroad was when I was ten years old.
6) 내가 갔던 도시, 나라
I went to Osaka.
I went there with my family.
7) 여행동안 했던 일
There were a lot of tourist attractions to see.
During the trip, I took a lot of picture me.

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