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스피킹&오픽 첨삭게시판 글쓰기 목록보기

토익 스피킹 파트 6=Q.11 Think of a job that is familiar to you. Is it important to learn new skills quickly for the job? 답변 부탁합니다. (__)
민망한돌고래 | 2019.01.11 | 조회 968
토익 스피킹 파트 6=Q.11 
Think of a job that is familiar to you. Is it important to learn new skills quickly for the job?

답변 부탁합니다. (__)

제가 만든 답변 첨부했습니다.
 첨부파일 : test of english for international communication speaking 과제.hwp (89.5KB) (23)

게시글/댓글 신고
