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뉴텝스 프리뷰 테스트 문제 도와주세요 ㅠㅠ
궁금해요 | 2018.05.08 | 조회 1881
1) 10번 문제 
  A: Professor Evans doesn’t seem good at explaining things.
  B : Give him a chance. He’s ____________  as I know.
(a) as an effective speaker
(b) as effective a speaker
(c) effective as a speaker
(d) a speaker as effective

에서 정답이 B이더라구요~  as가 보통 so 처럼 사용될때는 as 형용사 + a + 명사 인걸로 알고있는데 as ~ as 용법 사이에 형용사 + 명사를 사용할때도 이와같은 어순을 적용해야 하는 것인가요??

2) 22번 문제
The suits on display in the shop‚ _____
equally fashionable‚ were out of John’s
price range.
(a) all
(b) they
(c) either
(d) which

에서 정답이 A던데 정답이 왜 A인지 잘모르겠어요 ㅠㅠ

3) 28번 문제

28. (a) Spending long periods of time in space has been shown to have a  detrimental effect on people’s bones.
    (b) To limit the extent of this damage‚ astronauts now take a variety of precautionary measures. 
    (c) One thing they do is carefully regulate their diets‚ paying particular attention to their sodium intake. 
    (d) They also perform resistance exercises‚ that helps to simulate the effect of gravity on bones.

에서 정답이 D이던데 D도 틀린문장인건 이해가 되요. 그런데 C에서 is carefully regulate ← 동사가 연속으로 2개 사용되있으니
이것도 잘못 된것 아닌가요??

4) 30번 문제
(a) The speed at which sound waves  travel is influenced by a number of external factors. 
(b) One of these is the density of the material through which the sound waves are moving. 
(c) Denser materials such as liquids allow sound to pass them through relatively quickly. 
(d) Furthermore‚ temperature plays a role‚ with sound waves moving faster in hot weather.

에서 정답이 C이던데 이유가 material에 s가 붙은것 때문인가요 아님 마지막 through relatively quickly 부분이 잘못된것인가요??

질문이 좀 많은데 답변해주신다면 정말 감사하겠습니다 ㅠㅠㅠㅠ

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